
For dear Mamá...

Mother's Day is just around the corner and I wanted to share a project that is perfect for mothers of all ages.

I had the delight of combining two of my favorite hobbies this weekend - antiquing and gardening. It is a lovely thing when I can indulge in both at the same time. In this post I mentioned the local "Paris Street Market" held throughout the summer here in Denver. I cajoled the hubs into accompanying me (hey, someone has to carry the heavy stuff) and off we went to experience the mayhem for the first time. What a blast! With so many wonderful treasures to be had it was hard to narrow my focus. But focus I did and scored a fantastic 'window box.'

A quick trip to the garden center and I was armed with lobelia, pansies, alyssum, and gerber daises aplenty to complete my project. I added some D-ring hangers to the back of the window frame to affix the box to a blank fence section that borders the flagstone patio.

You could hunt down something similar at your local antique/craft/garden market or create it on your own. This one was built from an old window frame (glass removed) and attached to a simple rectangular wood box. These window frames are a very common find at shabby chic antique stores but you could also look for them at garage sales or donation centers. When making your own, paint it your favorite color but I loved the French blue on this one and snapped it up before the hubs could hide the wallet.

Adding a broken ewer spout to the flower bed creates a unique focal point and breaks up the long horizontal line. Find your own unique garden accent at this great Etsy shop that specializes in miscellaneous metal pieces.

I just love the way the purple of the lobelia and the French blue compliment each other.

Although the trip to the street market lasted a bit more than my patient husband would have preferred, planting the box took less than an hour. A project such as this is a great way to make a personal gift for any mom. My window box hangs outside but you can find or create one in a smaller scale and line it with potted plants for a charming and easy-care indoor vignette.


For these lengthly, warm weather excursions, I reach for my tried-and-true sandals. I maintain that "flip flops" can be stylish. I can walk for hours in these without my feet getting tired and who can resist lovely, white flowers, I ask?

FitFlop Fleur

Happy gardening!


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