
Bathroom reveal, part deux

So...not a glamorous room, per se, the "powder room." But...with some fabulous chalk paint and cute accessories, this part of the bathroom went from ick to awesome!

Our first challenge, however, was to actually move the entrance door from one wall to another. The original configuration was, uhhmm... stupid. To open the toilet room door you had to make sure the swing out shower door was not also open, and vice versa. Hence, the brilliant plan to move the toilet room door to the wall facing the vanity instead.

Of course, that involved demolition! :) At one point after purchasing it, I asked the hubs, "What will we ever need a 12-lb sledgehammer for?" Answer: knocking the %$#*@ out of drywall. It is FUN!

Just make sure there is nothing you want to keep (say, plumbing or electrical connections) in the wall you are annihilating.

This pic from Pinterest was my inspiration for converting this sad, closet-sized room to something much bigger, bolder, brighter!

The "before" interior of the toilet room, with some chalk paint as a test color:

Dear previous homeowners: really? brown, of all colors?

I did not think to take pics of the demo'd wall but here is the framed-in result:

Old door and wall section removed, framed-in for new wall...(and more paint)
Insulation was added for sound proofing

To allow for more light into the teeny, tiny, little, itty-bitty room we choose to replace the builder grade, hollow-core door with one that featured an opaque glass insert...

Satin nickel Deco-styled doorknob detail

We went with hardwood floors in both the vanity area and powder room (risky, I know, but it looks FABULOUSSS, darling!)


To keep to the Art Deco feel of the remodel, we chose a toilet with angular lines and tiered detailing. Unlike the one pictured above, this one did not cost $500+ (yikes!).

I wanted storage in this ever so petite room so some white shelves were added, along with some cute accessories, for a finishing touch. The wall paint color is Annie Sloan Aubusson Blue.

And there you have it: a powder room that went from boring brown to beautifully bright blue!

The $ Breakdown:

Fabulous Finds
Faux book $7
White shelves $20/ea
Hardwood flooring $375
Dual flush toilet $170

Tune in for the next installment, the shower from...err...Hades ;)



There's a bloom in the bucket...

What can you do with an hour, some flowers and two coal scuttles?

Why, something like this!

This weekend found me at my annual exodus to the Paris Street Market. My gal pal and I descended on the tented wares at the much coffee-inducing hour of 7am in order to score the best goodies ahead of the horde. She was on the hunt for some rusty garden sculptures and I had my eyes peeled for an antiqued mirrored tray to complete the bath vanity area.
Although such a tray eluded my grasp, I stumbled upon these anachronistic beauties at two different vendor booths..
I've had this idea in mind for a while - to use coal scuttles as quirky planters to flank the front door. It seemed that I was to be back in the garden this weekend. Oh darn.
With a quick trip to grab some potting soil and bloomin' blossoms, I was ready to go a-plantin'. I just filled the scuttles with soil, transferred violets, petunias, pansies, and bacopa between them and, wallah!


Even our pooch, Ginger, joined the fun..


And since it has been a weekend of planting blooms, here are some of the garden's other debutantes..
Always love the combination of purple and orange in the blue window box

Blue Jazz Petunias

A newcomer this year, Black-eyed Susan Vine

So, if you have a just little bit of time, coal scuttles (or any other fun planter), then go put a bloom in a bucket!

Have Fun!


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