
Don't mind if I do!

Somewhere along the path to figuring out "who I was," I figured out who I was not. I wasn't someone that would blindly follow the crowd, a trend, or a norm. (Unless, of course, Norm has a cute tush - then I'm all about the following.) I came to acknowledge the independent spirit that resided within me and be glad for the ability to resist the lure of the majority, to swim against the tide, to take the road less traveled. My hubris was grand, thinking myself immune to the sway of persuasion. Then arrived the Pottery Barn catalog.

TA DAHHH, mass marketing works! Who knew?

I salivate every time a new catalog arrives. What bevy of trouble awaits within its trendy contents? What crowd will I have to elbow through to score the most adorable (ever!) salt and pepper shakers? What new project will it inspire? Welllll...ones like this, for starters. I loved the look of these grouped mirrors but didn't want to forgo the fun of making my own statement (see the whole 'hubris' thing, above). Besides - it was an excuse to go antiquing! "Oh honeyyy... I have an idea!"

Three shops later (one at The Barn, mentioned in a previous post) and after at least an hour-and-a-half of playing "memory" with the mirror arrangements on the floor, I proudly revealed a display of five unique mirrors to fill what had been an abysmally blank space on our bedroom wall.

No time to go antiquing? You can start your mirror hunt on this Etsy treasury.


Speaking of paths, (we weren't, really, but I needed to segue somehow) our YEAR 1 "grand garden plan" called for a path to connect the newly created flagstone patio to the newly cut passthrough in the (not new) patio wall.

Alas, my poor, project-phobia'd husband had the enviable task of leveling the dirt. We then used the leftover patio flagstones to create a woodland type path that bordered the (also new) raised flower beds. Adding dark brown mulch created a striking contrast to the Colorado Red pavers.

To continue this whole 'path' theme, (damn those composition professors - "carry your theme through...blah,blah,blah...") heels just wouldn't be quite the appropriate choice for strolling along them. What does that mean, you ask? Ballerina flats, of course!

Gianni Bini Matey Flats

Until next time, whatever path you find yourself upon, enjoy the journey!

Tired of the path analogy yet? Geesh, I know I am...   ;)  

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